"All men, in the climactic instant of coitus, are the same man. All men who repeat one line of Shakespeare are William Shakespeare."
Jorge Luis Borges "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
The volume deals with the color red and belongs to the subgroup of the primary colors. Red the color of love, red as blood and so on, the volume should deal with all of this. It contains the 2nd Scene of the 2nd Act of Shakespears "Romeo and Juliet" in the English original and also some quotations by Jorge Luis Borges, Max Frisch and Walther von der Vogelweide. Background and stage for the texts are photographs (printed in offset) of red roses, in various conditions, from blossom to fade, which Ines von Ketelhodt took. To these pictures Peter Malutzki added collages in various nuances of red, printed from polymer-plates. Design, handset and letterpress: Ines von Ketelhodt and Peter Malutzki. Bookprinting paper, 72 pages, printed paperboard cover. Lahnstein / Oberursel 2001. |