"La gran máscara de oro que he mencionado es un ilustre ejemplo."
Jorge Luis Borges "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"

The volume contains texts from: "Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm. Göttingen 1843 – 1856" (Fairytales of the Grimm brothers). The chosen texts contain the word GOLD and are put together into a kind of text-collage. There are also illustrations (like pictographs) printed with polymer-plates in shades of yellow. Two of them were gilded with 24-carat gold leaf. Seven original bank notes from different countries are bound into the volume. Some of them were printed with short poem quotations. For example: The one Dollar note is printed with a part of a poem by Emily Dickinson ("Summer is shorter than any one –/ Life is shorter than Summer –/ Seventy Years is spent as quick / As an only Dollar –"). Design, handset and letterpress: Peter Malutzki. Bookprinting paper and found material, 96 pages, linen-over board cover. Lahnstein 2002.