"Tlön será un laberinto, pero es un laberinto urdido por hombres, un laberinto destinado a que lo descifren los hombres."
Jorge Luis Borges "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
The volume deals with the topic labyrinth and the idea of the book (the world) as a labyrinth. With collages made up of reproduced 19th century wood engravings. All pages of the volume, as well as the front and the back cover, have in their center a punched out rectangle. They form the center for a double labyrinth printed onto the front and back cover. The only way from one labyrinth to the other is through the book. Theres no way to the outside. Design and letterpress: Peter Malutzki. Polymer-plates, bookprinting paper, 72 pages, printed paperboard. Flörsheim am Main 2006. |